I’m back!!

I feel like I’ve been away from this blog for ages.  I have been so busy with work, school, life, it’s been hard to make time to write.  But I miss it!! I love writing, and I think that keeping this blog is a cathartic way for me to focus myself and not keep everything in my mind stopped up.

I am still working on losing weight, but I’m thrilled with how my other goals have been going.  I’m doing very well in school.  I’ve finished 2 semesters now, maintaining a 4.0, and am on the way to succeed on my 3rd semester as well (as long as I can stay on top of it for another 1.5 months!!).  I’ve knocked out business law, accounting 1+2, and college algebra.  This semester, I’m working on business calc and macro-economics.  I really enjoy being in school, but it’s sometimes hard to keep the momentum going.  I occasionally stop and wonder why I’m putting myself through the extra hassle and extra effort, but I do think it generally makes me more successful in my job, and will open up doors for me down the road.  One thing I’m considering though, is just completing an AA in business right now, and finishing the degree a few years down the road if I see myself starting to hit a wall in career growth.  I just keep thinking that I have many opportunities available right now that don’t require the extra degree, and who knows what my interests will be in 10 years.  I’m probably talking myself out of success though, I tend to do that.  I won’t make any decisions for a while, but I’m considering options.

I’ve been doing a cool program called dietbet for the past 6 months.

It’s a challenge that you bet you’ll win 10% of your weight over a 6 month period. It’s phased in segments to prevent unhealthy rushes to meet a number. The one I did ended yesterday, and I met my goal!! I’m thrilled, and 10% lighter than I was April 29th. I am starting a new one tomorrow that will be for 6 months. I have had some friends ask me for information about how to sign up, so I’m posting my link here. You bet $25 per month that you’ll meet your goals, and how much you win depends on how many other players met their goals. I put in $125.00 up front for my 6 months (pay up front and get 1 month free) and ended up winning a total of $296.86.

If anyone wants to join with me, it’s pretty fun and for me, the idea of losing money keeps me more motivated 🙂

Here’s the link, if anyone wants to join http://diet.bt/Yv0P7Q

I’ve decided I need to start setting myself some new monthly goals, ways to keep myself on track, but not demand too much from myself in one go.  Exercise continues to be a problem area for me, I just have a hard time staying motivated.  It always seems like I start strong exercising and either hurt myself, or burn out.  I’m going to try to adjust that this month.


My goals:

  • Exercise 600 minutes this month-With 30 days in November, that averages out to only 20 minutes a day.  That will allow me to skip some days without stressing about it, but still increase my activity level in general.  I’ll be with my family the week of Thanksgiving, and I always exercise a LOT more around them, so I’m sure that will help me meet my goal.
  • Don’t weigh myself so compulsively-I’ve started obsessing about the scale again, which I just don’t think is healthy.  I need to cut back from weighing myself daily.  It makes me torture myself about decisions the previous day with food, or do stupid things like skip breakfast to get myself back where I want to be.  I think the most healthy option would be to only weigh myself the once a month required for dietbet, but I don’t know if I can do that.  Maybe I’ll start by saying I can only weigh myself once a week.
  • Eat less meat-I always feel pretty good when I eat less meat, and I think it will help me choose healthier options.  This month, my goal is to have 3 vegetarian days a week.
  • Drink more water-I’ve TOTALLY fallen off the water drinking wagon.  I’m down to like…10 ounces a day?  Or less?  It’s gross, and I’ve started drinking diet cokes again.  I’m going to try for 80 ounces a day to start, and if I want a soda, I can only have it after I’ve met my water goals.


I’m going to be trying to update this more often, I think it’s good for me to stay focused and remind myself of what’s important to me.
